This morning, as I walked in the dark of the dawn with the sky streaked in magenta from the rising sun, I thought about a question I have been asked a few times this past week.

“What are your goals for the year?” 

My answer has received a few furrowed brows.  Probably because it is not the typical list for this time of year, like to get fit, or to travel to such and such a place, or to improve my financial situation.  These are all good goals, some of which have made my list in years gone by. But not this year.

This year is profoundly different.

This year my deepest desire is found in a letter the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy. There is nothing grandiose about it, but I think it is life changing.

This year I want to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.  

That’s it.

My thoughts, during my morning walk, were directed toward how to achieve this?

I found the answer in the same letter written by Paul. “I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone … so that … you may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity”.[1]

To achieve what I desire, I don’t need to pray for myself. Rather, I need to pray for others. In this, I am reminded that our life is not to be lived entirely for ourselves. We are urged to think of what others need, to go to God on their behalf and to pray for their needs. We are to be thankful for the people for whom we pray and not see them as a burden.  It would seem that when we pray for others, somehow, in God’s economy, we reap the reward.

When we think about others, when we care about others, when we go out of our way on behalf of others, forgiving them, blessing them, seeing the good in them, it is then that our own lives change. We become restful instead of judgmental and anxious, we are filled with peace instead of turmoil. Our lives become marked with a dignity that speaks of goodness and decency.

In looking outward and loving our neighbor, we discover an inward change that leads to a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.

It’s a goal worth pursuing. 

May we think on these things!


[1] 1 Timothy 2:1-2


